The effect of TeleVisit in organ transplant patients

An organ transplant or tissue that is implanted in a part of the body .  Successful human-to-human transplantation has a relatively long history of practical skills that were discovered long before the need for post-transplant care was recognized. Organs can be donated to the heart, lungs, liver, intestines, pancreas and kidneys. In addition to these organs, some tissues in the body can also be transplanted. By donating a cornea, vision can be restored to a person with severe eye damage.

 Organ transplantation has become one of the most important treatments at a time when chronic diseases are the leading cause of death in humans .
Advances in medicine and life sciences have led to an increase in human life expectancy in the last hundred years. As a result, chronic diseases are now the leading cause of human mortality, rather than acute infectious diseases. Many of these conditions will eventually lead to organ failure such as liver, kidney, heart or lung failure; Therefore, organ transplantation has long been considered as a solution for the treatment of these diseases .

Some diseases and medical conditions cause disability and failure of one or more vital organs in the body. In these cases, organ transplantation can be a good treatment option for patients. Organ transplantation is a surgery to give a functioning human organ to a person whose limb is disabled or not functioning properly. Transplantation is a well-known and valid treatment option for patients with end-stage renal disease, liver, and lung disease. Transplantation helps most patients have a better quality of life . But the importance of online visits in transplant patients is an important issue for faster recovery in these patients .


Common types of links include :

  1. Autograft: means a transplant from person to person. This type of transplant is mostly related to extra body tissues, or tissues that have the power to regenerate themselves. Such as skin grafts or, for example, the removal of a vein from a patient's leg to repair coronary arteries .
  2. Allograft: An organ or tissue transplant between two organisms of the same species (for example, human-to-human) that are not genetically identical. Most links are the same type .
  3. Isograft: It is a type of isograft with the difference that the donor and the recipient are genetically identical; For example, a bond between identical twins. This type of transplant behaves like a self-transplant type in terms of immune response .
  4. Xenograft: means a transplant of an organ or tissue between two organisms of two different species;


 Today, organ transplantation is considered as the best treatment for organ failure and a preferred measure that will increase the life expectancy of patients and improve their quality of life. Numerous studies have shown that organ transplantation is socially, familially and even economically beneficial to society .

One of the main problems in the field of transplantation is the management of pre- and post-transplantation processes, which can destroy the integrity and coordination between the mind and body and threaten the mental health of patients . Because the patient may stay on the transplant waiting list for months or even years to find the right transplant. In this case, the patient may have mental problems that can be prevented through online counseling.

After organ transplantation, the patient will be discharged from the hospital after recovery, but must still be monitored by the transplant team. Because it is a transplanted organ of non-native tissue, the body tends to excrete it. The human body's defense system deals with any non-native tissue, whether microbial or transplanted; Therefore, it is necessary for transplant patients to take anti-transplant drugs for the rest of their lives. These drugs will lower the level of the immune system to prevent transplant rejection .

It should be noted that this is sometimes associated with risks such as the possibility of infection, so the transplant team must carefully monitor the patient to provide appropriate treatment in case of infection, in which case remote monitoring can be used and conditions Examine the patient and his or her symptoms online at all times and stay in touch with the patient. Therefore, the transplant patient will be continuously monitored by transplant specialists for the rest of his life to prevent these complications and evaluate the function of the transplanted organ . Online visits are the most common type of remote visits here, because patients will inform their doctor of the current currents in their body by sending photos and recounting their condition, and will prevent possible dangers.


Risk of mental illness after organ transplantation

According to experts, almost all patients undergoing transplant surgery experience burnout. Having these feelings is perfectly normal and is likely to resolve over time; But in a situation where burnout and the patient's emotional process disrupts the person's life, he should seek treatment. Just as any organ transplant surgery has a profound effect on a person's body, it can also have profound effects on a person's psyche .

A person may experience symptoms of some of the following mental illnesses long after the transplant :

  • Grief
  • Disappointment
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Acute stress disorder
  • Anger and hostility
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder  (PTSD)

 But the occurrence of each of these diseases in transplant patients and even people who donate organs has many different causes .


 The importance of psychotherapy in organ transplant patients

 Psychotherapy and counseling after transplantation and even before it can teach the patient many solutions. With these trainings, the patient can prevent negative behaviors and disturbing thoughts and improve the treatment process after the transplant . Studies have shown that psychotherapy in addition to medical and pharmacological treatments can complement the treatment process of patients after kidney transplantation. Adherence to lifestyle and improving healthy lifestyles is a key point in the treatment process after transplantation, and adherence to mental health tips is another component that can have a great impact on the patient's health . Patients can experience their psychotherapy counseling online.

A counselor or psychotherapist can help transplant patients discover their feelings and take steps to recover better and faster.