Patient privacy, a prerequisite for the development of e-health

Patient privacy, a prerequisite for the development of e-health

The growth, expansion and acceleration and spread of large-scale networks in recent years has led to a huge change in various aspects of human life, and the impact of this technology on science, technology and business, has led to the emergence of new areas such as e-government, education Electronics and electronic health. E-Health integrates and integrates health information by creating an electronic health record, which is very useful for various stakeholders, subject to patient privacy and confidentiality.
2024/07/24 | More ...
A doctor for each person

A doctor for each person

Apart from artificial intelligence and 3D printing, telemedicine is emerging as one of the most popular treatment models. It is seriously important to launch a unique telemedicine service that allows patients to have immediate access to expert consultants.
2024/07/23 | More ...
Saving time and increasing patient satisfaction

Saving time and increasing patient satisfaction

Telemedicine services increase patient satisfaction with shorter waiting times and easier access. For example, a research study showed that each visit to the doctor takes 121 minutes of the patient's time, and only 20 minutes of that time are spent on the visit. By providing these services, the waiting time will be shorter. Also, in addition to increasing the patient's satisfaction, the time spent traveling and waiting is also saved .
2024/07/22 | More ...
What is teletherapy?

What is teletherapy?

Teletherapy is any remote therapy that uses technology to help the therapist and client communicate.
2024/07/21 | More ...

Here's how you can broaden access to care using telemedicine and remote monitoring technologies

Telemedicine and remote monitoring technologies are revolutionizing healthcare by making it more accessible to people regardless of their location. These advancements allow you to receive medical advice, diagnoses, and even treatment from the comfort of your home. By leveraging these technologies, healthcare providers can extend their reach, ensuring that even individuals in remote or underserved areas have access to quality care. This shift not only improves patient convenience but also reduces the burden on traditional healthcare facilities, paving the way for a more efficient and inclusive healthcare system.
2024/07/20 | More ...
Familiarity with Telehealth care

Familiarity with Telehealth care

The term telehealth encompasses a wide range of technologies and services to provide patient care and improve the overall health delivery system. In general terms telehealth and telemedicine is different while doctors in telemedicine specifically to clinical services from remote points, but health can remotely service non-clinical, such as training provider, office meetings and continuing medical education In addition to clinical services, telecommunications, according to the World Health Organization, include the following: monitoring, health promotion, and general health performance.
2024/07/14 | More ...
Digital health enters the metaverse

Digital health enters the metaverse

For our purposes, let’s explain the metaverse in the context of the digital health landscape. Currently, digital health is dominated by products and solutions that give patients and providers the ability to view, share, exchange, create, or otherwise interact with digital content. Examples include entering patient data into EHRs, sending payments through online portals, watching physical therapy demonstrations on an app, or sharing video during a telemedicine consult.
2024/07/13 | More ...
New AI tool analyzes medical history to match patients with the best antidepressants

New AI tool analyzes medical history to match patients with the best antidepressants

Researchers at George Mason University's College of Public Health have harnessed the power of artificial intelligence (AI) analytical models to match a patient's medical history with the most effective antidepressant, allowing patients to catch symptoms earlier. The free website provides evidence-based recommendations, allowing doctors and patients to find the optimal antidepressant the first time .
2024/07/11 | More ...
Medicalchain is a smart medical ecosystem

Medicalchain is a smart medical ecosystem

Our goal is to put the patient in control of their medical data and give them the power to share the only and most comprehensive version of their record with any organization in their medical network . Fragmented patient records create inefficiencies and inaccuracies throughout the health care system .
2024/07/09 | More ...
How can you ensure privacy in telemedicine consultations?

How can you ensure privacy in telemedicine consultations?

Telemedicine is a convenient and effective way to deliver health care services remotely, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it also poses some challenges and risks for maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of patients and providers. How can you ensure privacy in telemedicine consultations? Here are some tips and best practices to follow.
2024/07/08 | More ...