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1/20/2025 12:23:59 PM

Future of Smart Health Systems

Advances in technology look set to change the face of global health care as we know it. The idea of smart healthcare uses a new generation of information technologies including artificial intelligence and big data.

1/13/2025 11:53:19 AM

Applications of nanorobots in medicine

Nanorobotics is a relatively new branch of nanotechnology which deals with the design and construction of devices at an atomic, molecular, or cellular level. The aim is to gain the ability to work at the molecular level, atom by atom, and control the structures and devices at the nanoscale.

2/3/2025 10:36:50 AM

Open source telemedicine platform based on web sockets for managing biological signals.

In recent decades, with the advancement of communication and information technologies, telemedicine has been increasingly considered as a new solution in providing health services. This trend reached its peak especially during the pandemic, when the need for social distancing and reducing physical contact made the provision of medical services virtually and remotely a necessity. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the pandemic led to fundamental changes in the way health care is provided and increased use of new technologies in this field.

2/1/2025 12:43:03 PM

Introduction to FHIR

FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) is a modern standard for electronic exchange of information in healthcare, developed by HL7 (Health Level Seven International) .

1/27/2025 9:08:54 AM

The impact of telemedicine technology on improving patient satisfaction

As the use of telemedicine increases , new questions have arisen about the impact of this technology on patient satisfaction. Organizations and healthcare facilities are conducting studies in this area, seeking to better understand the impact of this technology on the experience and satisfaction of patients and healthcare providers. The main question is: does the use of telemedicine really improve the experience and increase patient satisfaction?

Welcome to Telemedicine Online Portal provides a complete package including EMR with integrated Video Conferencing.
"Telemedicine is the ability to provide interactive healthcare utilizing modern technology and telecommunications." Basically, Telemedicine allows patients to visit with physicians live over video for immediate care or capture video/still images and patient data are stored and sent to physicians for diagnosis and follow-up treatment at a later time.
Whether you live in the center of Los Angeles or deep in the Brazilian Amazon, Telemedicine is an invaluable tool in Healthcare.