Smart hospitals

One of the areas that has seen significant progress under the influence of digital technologies is health and treatment. The use of systems based on digital technologies and systems and tools that carry the title of intelligence, has played an effective role in improving the process of diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, therefore, given that the medical staff and patients They are ready to embrace technology, it is time for hospitals and medical centers to be equipped with such systems.

The presence of smart technologies in future hospitals undoubtedly promises to enter a new era in the field of treatment and medicine.

In a smart hospital, efforts are made to establish various effective communication between hospital departments as well as staff with patients as well as system management by using various intelligent electronic, control, telecommunication and software systems in the shortest possible time. Interactions are formed between.



Therefore, intelligent hospital systems can be divided into two main categories:


1. Intelligent hospital facilities management systems

2. Intelligent hospital information systems


 Benefits of implementing a smart hospital system


According to the approach of development and use of new technologies in the field of health and treatment, the benefits of using such facilities can be named as follows:

• Increasing the quality of services provided to patients and improving the quality of the hospital

• Reduce time to provide services to patients

• Store patient information electronically and advanced in hospital data centers

• Increase the useful life of equipment and reduce maintenance costs

• Reduce the cost of hospital services

• Optimizing the use of hospital resources and equipment

• Optimal management and more accurate use of hospital human resources

• Increase the level of safety and security of the hospital

• Reducing energy consumption

• Reduce human error

• Increasing the level of awareness of hospital staff and personnel

• Helping the issue of infection control in order to reduce and optimally control the spread of infection.