The benefits of artificial intelligence in Telemedicine

 The health sector is one of the most sensitive sectors in different societies in which the faster the progress of science and technology, helps in the process of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and increases the success of treatment. In recent years, health care systems have developed in line with the needs of society and have been able to meet the needs to a large extent. Rising average countries, changing patients' expectations, changes in lifestyle choices are all things that make changes in health care move faster. According to the World Health Organization, given these needs, the health care system needs more labor, but despite the fact that the global economy can create 40 million new jobs by 2030 in this area, it still lacks 9.


  Digital wave in the health care system

With the digitalization of everything in today's world, the health care system has been using this technology for some time. This issue has found its place, especially in the healthcare sector, and has been able to gain a special reputation and status for itself. The global boom in this technology will also increase global GDP by 14% over the next 10 years; That means it will be until 2030.


  Reconstruction of the health sector

According to economictimes , artificial intelligence, by establishing new connections between genetic codes and performing surgeries with the help of robots, reconstructs the health and treatment sector in a way and gives it another shape. One of the greatest advantages of artificial intelligence is that it can predict, understand, learn and act. Meanwhile, the UAE government has used the capability of artificial intelligence technology and is currently testing various innovations in this field. The health analysis rooms that are currently being tested are helping people monitor their health and diagnose early signs of the disease.

Artificial intelligence in the healthcare sector can assist in decision-making, increase diagnosis, assist in data integration, and, by supporting medical practices based on data, enhance patient care discussion and improve administrative productivity .


  One doctor for each person

Aside from artificial intelligence and 3D printing, telemedicine is evolving as one of the most popular treatment models. It is very important to launch a unique remote medical service that provides patients with immediate access to specialist counselors. In fact, in telemedicine, it acts as a new platform to generate a new mode of income and can increase employment. Just when time constraints and transfers prevent direct visits to the physician and face-to-face examination, telemedicine can be a great advantage to human beings .


  Assessing artificial intelligence in healthcare

If we want to talk about the influence of artificial intelligence in healthcare, we are still the first way, and this technology, with its capabilities, still has a lot to say. One of the steps that AI can take is to perform tasks that take a lot of time from doctors and nurses. This technology can be used in the field of specialties such as radiology, pathology and ophthalmology and can be used to optimize health care. In addition, artificial intelligence-based solutions are expected to change the treatment and care process from hospital to home care; In other words, remote controlAI-based alert systems or virtual assistants are some of the AI ​​capabilities that enable patients to receive remote care at any time. With this feature, more specialties including oncology, cardiology and neurology can also take advantage of artificial intelligence and remotely control and treat their patients. At the AI ​​level, a combination of technological advances such as deep learning can be used. Next, artificial intelligence can be used in clinical trials based on evidence from clinical trials .


  The role of artificial intelligence in the healthcare industry

According to the 2018 report, the value of the global healthcare market was estimated at $ 8,452 billion, and the market is expected to grow by 8.9%. Health care costs continue to rise, and the industry, with its active presence, has not only reduced treatment and care costs, but also increased them relatively. Artificial intelligence technology is one of the technologies that plays an important role in the industry and the results show that its presence can revolutionize the healthcare industry so that by reducing costs, it can bring more acceptable results for patients. ; If it also increases the value of this section. Therefore, many organizations and hospitals around the world have invested in artificial intelligence and have used the latest tools and frameworks of this technology to improve and advance their work process..