The role of TeleVisit in the treatment of chronic diseases

Chronic illness in medicine is a disease that lasts a long time or is inherently long-term. Like asthma or diabetes. The word chronic is the opposite of acute, and the word acute means sudden and unexpected. The term chronic refers to a long period of illness and has nothing to do with the severity or treatability of the disease .

Chronic and incurable diseases, including a list of infectious and non-communicable diseases, are the most important causes of mortality and disability in developed and developing countries. In addition, in many of these countries, these diseases are on the rise and impose very heavy costs on society and the health system .

Recent studies show major changes in the extent of health problems and the global burden of these diseases. Also, many of these diseases are incurable and lead to disability and require symptomatic treatment and rehabilitation .

Therefore, trying to change the natural course of these diseases not only includes screening for early detection of diseases, but also special attention to prevention. It is clear that new methods in diagnosis, control and treatment and community-based interventions in the field of screening and diagnosis to reduce the burden of these diseases have a special place .

Some examples of chronic infectious diseases: AIDS, tuberculosis, hepatitis, ….

Some examples of chronic non-communicable diseases: cardiovascular disease, diabetes and metabolic disorders, cancers, neuromuscular disorders and  …

Although chronic diseases are common and costly, you can easily prevent them. Ways to prevent chronic diseases are related to your lifestyle options that you can easily change. Eating nutritious foods, exercising more and avoiding smoking can help you to prevent many of these costly and common diseases and conditions to some extent. Even if you already have diabetes, heart disease, osteoarthritis or another chronic illness, eating healthier food and exercising more, whether brisk walking, cycling, swimming, can help you better manage the disease. The impact of online visits on chronic diseases is clear and has positive effects .

Treatment of chronic disease is somewhat time consuming and expensive, and unfortunately some of these diseases are progressive, which may lead to more side effects. A chronic illness can lead to other chronic illnesses if left untreated. It can even affect the whole family of the patient. In addition, treatment may require a strong treatment team consisting of a specialist physician, home nurse, and physiotherapist, which increases the cost of the treatment process. Because the course of the disease is somewhat uncertain, patients may experience confusion, indecision, and mental disorders due to chronic illness .

Tele-visits can greatly reduce the patient's mental and physical problems. Thus, when the patient is struggling with pain or other problems, he can easily and quickly connect to his doctor online and Get advice from him and visit immediately to avoid further problems. Also, family members and companions of the patient can talk to a specialist and get advice whenever needed.

On the other hand, online visits for patients with chronic diseases have many advantages in the mental and psychological section, and counseling and psychotherapy and psychiatric sessions cause the patient not to suffer from chronic mental suffering and make the course of his physical treatment easier. N. Note that most mental and physical illnesses interact with each other, and the mind is affected by the body and vice versa .