The effect of TeleVisits on patients with disabilities

We all heard the name of disability. Many of us also have a bad feeling about disability. Most people with disabilities are physically disabled. But this is not a precise definition and view of disability. Maybe we were born in the place of these people. Maybe one day we will suffer from this disability…!
However, disability may not be a good word.  Patients with disabilities make up between 10 and 20 percent of the world's population. They somehow need the help and support of others and may inadvertently suffer from some form of social deprivation. Patients with disabilities have special health conditions and can benefit from medical services, rehabilitation and other related services. But if these health services are not provided to them, they will be oppressed in some way and justice will not be done to them. Patients with disabilities have the right to choose, pay and decide on their own condition.
Causes of disabilities
The most common causes of disabilities are:
Genetics: There are factors that interfere with the transmission of genes from parents to children, such as Down syndrome.
Congenital: These disorders do not have a genetic basis but occur during pregnancy. For example, drug use or fetal alcohol syndrome
Complications: This itself is divided into the following categories:
Traumatic causes: caused by trauma and injury. Such as accidents, work-related accidents, wars and…
Causes of the disease: All diseases that have a long and chronic course that leads to disability. Such as cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, respiratory disease and diabetes
"Disabilities are divided into 6 sections based on the disorders that cause them: physical and motor disorders, mental retardation, neurological and mental disorders, sense of sight, hearing, and speech."
Counselors who deal with patients with disabilities in their work should not only be aware of the reasons and health conditions and health status of the disabled, but should be aware of misconceptions about them and learn about online visits for them.
Certainly psychologists and psychiatrists and specialists who work in the rehabilitation of patients with disabilities have gained more experience in this field and have more advanced attitudes; Therefore, these consultants can provide the most services and guidance to patients with disabilities in the face of problems. In addition, medical education often does not provide adequate and comprehensive information about mental states and how to communicate with people with disabilities; But mental health professionals or experienced psychologists and psychiatrists can have a great impact on their quality of life by considering the mental and psychological conditions of these people.
The role of effective communication in counseling for the disabled
It is best for healthcare professionals to communicate directly with patients with disabilities about health issues. They should have experience in how to communicate with patients with disabilities, especially those with mental, sensory or communication problems. Gaining experience in how to deal with patients with disabilities is a challenge that most physicians face. In addition, studies show that not communicating directly with patients themselves can lead to other problems.
Specialists and consultants must provide the necessary training to patients with disabilities in a complete and transparent manner. The basic principles of this education are that the disabled person should be treated with respect for the independence and dignity similar to other patients. Therefore, the necessary facilities should be considered to train people with experience in counseling patients with disabilities so that qualified people can help this segment of society.
Specialized services for counseling people with disabilities with physical disabilities face certain limitations and barriers, including:
-easy access
Possibility to attend regular appointments
Physical fatigue caused by face-to-face counseling sessions
But the most important and appropriate option that makes it easier and more practical for people with disabilities to access experienced consultants is an online visit. Online services can remove many of the barriers to in-person counseling services for people with disabilities. Access to experienced consultants in the farthest corners of the country is easy for all people with disabilities online.
The benefits of accessing an online visit can include the following:
-More accessible.
Cheaper and cheaper.
-Can create more privacy for patients.
Online visits for people with disabilities can promote independence and self-improvement in the patient.
Online treatment is done through video and audio chats and is always available to patients.
- The patient can manage his treatment process and communicate with his specialist doctor at any time he feels he needs a consultant.
A specialist doctor can help patients with physical disabilities regain their lost confidence and become less dependent on others.
By providing online visit services, a specialist doctor can be with people with disabilities in difficult days and save them from fears and loneliness. 
In the field of helping people with disabilities, telemedicine is an important sub-branch of telemedicine. Because information and communication technology can have a great impact on the health of people with disabilities. Comparison of remote rehabilitation with conventional rehabilitation services shows that in the method of remote rehabilitation, costs may be reduced and the impact of work may be greater.
 What is Tele Rehabilitation?
Application of information and communication technology to provide remote rehabilitation services via the Internet from a secure system such as "tele-visit system" for communication between a specialist doctor and a client or specialist doctor to a specialist doctor for evaluation, intervention, treatment and consultation
The importance of Telerehabilitation
Telerehabilitation is important for the following reasons:
1- Increasing the prevalence of chronic diseases and thus increasing the need for rehabilitation services
2- Increasing life expectancy and increasing the elderly population
In Telerehabilitation, a series of rehabilitation services including evaluation, monitoring, prevention, intervention, monitoring, training and counseling are performed using information and communication technologies. A Telerehabilitation session may be recorded and attached to an electronic health record (as a video or audio form) and may be available to the rehabilitation service team.
It is essential to provide training to all users of the electronic health record, and this should be taken into account when planning any remote rehabilitation system and EHR.
The issue of privacy and security is very important and most people with disabilities should be able to communicate and visit their specialist online.