Monitoring, health promotion and public health performance

Forming an electronic health record and registering all health services provided to patients in a health care system is one of the examples of telehealth, which has been used in Iran for some time by the health department of the Ministry of Health, in health care centers under the name "Apple System". . In this system, all the diagnostic, therapeutic and pharmaceutical services provided for admitted patients are registered and the patient's records can be traced by referring to the centers connected to this system, and the patient's treatment and recovery can be easily monitored, and on the other hand, from the prescription Similar diagnostic and treatment is avoided .

Telemedicine involves the use of electronic communication and software to provide clinical services to patients without personal visits. Telemedicine technology is often used to examine the patient's health status, chronic disease management, medication management, expert consultation and a number of other clinical services that can be provided remotely .

The next natural step for modern healthcare

The new generation of patients are used to doing everything on their phones and computers - why shouldn't doctors go modern? Easily examine and treat patients remotely using televisit. which is fully integrated with  IMS  and helps doctors reach more patients than ever before. Expand your care delivery and thrive in a value-based therapeutic environment.

New method of visiting patients

By having  an IMS  , your effort (physician) can accomplish its business goals faster, reduce process inefficiencies and reduce overhead costs.

Experience these benefits:

- Office efficiency

- Better interaction with the patient

Televisit  puts you and your patients in an integrated virtual clinic for visits and treatment.

Improved physician access increases patient engagement

When patients have easy access to their health care providers, they can be engaged in their own health care. No waiting in patient lines means faster access to healthcare professionals, allowing patients to take a more active role in their treatment plans.

Visit your patients with smart devices (mobile phones, tablets, etc.). The higher the quality and the process of remote visits, the more health care workers are eager to cooperate with this process, which will lead to the advancement of telemedicine and the improvement of the treatment process of remote patients.