How can electronic health records improve patient care?

 HER  electronic health record was created to organize the patient's health information and immediately disseminate it among the people involved in the patient care process. Using  EHR  notifications , doctors will be informed about the patient's previous visits to other doctors, and if they have registered a recommendation letter for the patient in the system, the doctor will be informed about them .

EHR  provides a comprehensive and up-to-date patient record to the treatment team. This is especially useful for patients who have been seen by several specialists, emergency patients, and patients who need to be transferred from one treatment center to another. In general, the use of electronic health records in treatment processes has the following advantages :

  • Reducing medical errors
  • Accelerating the time of announcing test results and imaging
  • Eliminate paper files
  • Integration of referral, diagnosis and prescription process
  • Effective communication with the treatment team for better coordination in the field of patient care
  • Improving the quality of medical services


Implementation, end user and patient considerations

Several studies have addressed the question of whether  EHRs have led to improvements in the quality of care. In a 2011 study of diabetes care, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, there was evidence that  EHR  -enabled care led to better quality delivery .

EMRs  may ultimately help improve care coordination. An article in a trade journal suggests that because anyone can view a patient's complete chart using an  EMR  , this results in fewer history-guessing errors, seeing multiple specialists, smooth transitions between care centers, and It may provide better care in emergency situations . EHRs may also improve preventive care by providing physicians and patients with better access to test results, identifying missing patient information, and providing evidence-based recommendations for preventive services .